Will applying for a loan impact my credit score?
Depending on the type of loan and program, offers are made based on the stated credit score until underwriting. For example, most residential loans will not impact your credit until you have already committed to a full underwriting review. Business lines of credit usually require a soft-pull to prove creditworthiness for initial consideration. Soft-pulls do not affect your credit score because it is similar to you checking your score yourself through services like Credit Karma.
Are there any upfront fees?
There are no upfront commission or broker fees. Some lenders may require an application fee to obtain a letter of intent, but that is generally handled as a deposit to ensure client commitment to pursuing the offer. Other standard costs that have to be paid before closing are items such as scheduling an appraisal.
What is a prepayment penalty?
Some lenders charge a fee called a prepayment penalty if you pay off all or part of your mortgage early. When you closed on your home, you might have agreed to this fee. Not all mortgages have this fee. Normally, this fee only applies if you pay off your entire mortgage balance early (within three to five years). Sometimes, this fee could apply if you pay a large amount of your mortgage all at once. If you pay extra principal on your mortgage a little bit at a time, you don't usually have to pay this fee, but it's a good idea to check with your lender to be sure.
How long does it take to get to closing in a real estate loan?
Closing most real estate loans will take anywhere between 2-8 weeks. The client's ability to gather all the necessary documentation will significantly impact the process. If there is no delay with the appraisal and title process, and the client manages to provide all required information in a timely manner, then a property can close within 3 weeks quite comfortably.
When will I get funded after closing a loan?
Most lenders will issue the funds to be deposited in the client's account within 36 hours from the time of closing. When working with private investors, this time period can extend up to 2 weeks, but that is a rarity.
What if my credit score and history disqualifies me from everything?
If your credit history and score disqualifies you from all normal avenues of lending there are still pathways you can take. We are partnered with a credit repair firm that has proven capable of repairing your score. Feel free to ask about this service.
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